Effetto Italy  - D06/586 - /GRP/RomeNewYearsParade_Quote.asp
Effetto Italy
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Request a quote

If you would like to speak with one of our specialists, please call us or fill out the form below and hit submit.

European Incoming Services
Via Monterone 2
Roma, Italia 00186
Tel: + 39
Fax: + 39

* = required field

Agency details:

* Name:  
* Agency/Organization:  
* Address:  
* City:  
* State:  
* Zip:  
* Country:  
* Phone:  
* Email:  
* Re-enter Email:  

Quote details:

Please provide us with as much information as you can from the list below. The more information that we have the better we can serve you. Thank You!

* Name of the Group:  
* Name of Band Director:  
Projected number of people traveling:  
* Performers:  
* NON performers:  
* Age range of performers:  
Please choose your
Rome New Year’s
Day Parade Package:  
7 Day
8 Day
9 Day
10 Day
* Do you wish to further customize
or modify the package?  
Yes No
What type of accommodations
are you looking for
(single, double, triple, quad)?:  
What type of accommodations
are you looking for?:  
I would like air   Yes No

Additional details:

Please provide us with as much information as you can. Thank You!

* How did you hear about EIS?:  
What other products does
your agency sell? Please
check all that apply:  
Special Interest Groups
Student Groups
Religious Groups
Sport Groups
Mediterranean Cruises
Please list the names of
anyone else in your company
who would be interested in
learning more about EIS:  
We work with travel agents,
tour operators and
other retailers.
Please check here if you
would like to be connected
with one of our retail partners  
Yes No
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