August in Italy

August in Italy

By: Effetto Italy  On: August 6, 2018  In: Italian Culture 

We can always find reasons to travel to Italy during any month of the year. However, if you are one of the many taking advantage of the last full month of summer, there are a few things you should keep in mind before you go.

Hot Hot Hot!

Like the rest of Southern Europe, temps in August can be quite high (average highs in the 80’s). So remember to double check your accommodations to ensure there is A/C and drink lots of water from the many fountains throughout. Museums and attractions also have A/C and it is a good idea to hit them early in the day.

Where are all the Italians?

There is a longstanding tradition for Italians to take a long vacation during August. Ferragosto is the national holiday starting on August 15th, which dates back to Emperor Augustus and was popularized as a vacation period under Mussolini. Around this date (and often times extended through the entire month), many Italians get out of the cities and head to the water to escape the aforementioned heat. This sojourn is known as Ferie and subsequently, many shops and restaurants are closed during August.

Not to worry though… tourists spots remain open and busy in all the cities. Or you can head to Sardinia, Capri, Puglia or any coastal town to enjoy La Dolce Vita!

Ciao for now,
The Effetto Italy Team

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