I scream, you scream… for gelato

I scream, you scream… for gelato

By: Effetto Italy  On: March 15, 2021  In: Food and Wine 

With Spring finally within reach, the rising temperatures and brighter weather increase the cravings for one of the most famous of all Italian delicacies: gelato.  While gelato is, of course, a year-round passion in Italy, there is nothing better than enjoying the chilly treat on a warm afternoon.  

While often referred to as “Italian ice cream,” there are differences.  While the ingredients of both ice cream and gelato are roughly the same, gelato contains only 4% fat and ice cream contains 10%.  Additionally, there are variations in texture and consistency as gelato is blended very slowly and only contains 10% air, while ice cream often contains 50%.  Finally, gelato is kept at a warmer temperature than ice cream, which enhances the flavor. 

An integral part of Italian food culture, gelato can be found in virtually every town in Italy.  When searching out a gelateria, look for signs that say gelato fatto en casa (homemade), produzione propia (our own production), or artiginale (artisanal).  In addition, try to avoid counter displays with mountainous heaps of puffed-up cream, in an array of bright and artificial colors.  Gelato colors should be muted and reflect the natural hues of the food they represent. 

Order in a cone or cup, and feel free to choose more than one flavor. Some of most popular flavors in shops are: 

  • Chocolates: cioccolato fondante (dark chocolate), cioccolato al latte (milk chocolate), caffe (coffee)
  • Creams: fior di latte (sweet cream), stracciatella (chocolate chip), crema (French vanilla)
  • Fruits: limone (lemon), fragola (strawberry), pesca (peach)
  • Nuts: pistacchio (pistachio), mandorla (almond), nocciola (hazelnut)

The only way to find a true favorite is to give them all a try. Happy eating!

Ciao for now,

The Effetto Italy Team

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