Infiorata – Art in Bloom
By: Effetto Italy On: May 23, 2018 In: Italian Culture
Spring in Italy is a glorious time, with blooming buds and vibrant new colors on display all across the country. But if you happen to be here in May or June, we highly recommend visiting one of the many Infiorata festivals. During an Infiorata (literally meaning “decorated with flowers”), flower petals are used to create works of art in the streets, in abbeys or in front of churches. The tradition dates back to 1625, but was more widely spread by the architect, Bernini, in Rome. Today these “flower carpets” are designed in various towns in Italy and are a true sight to see.
Usually the tapestries are plotted out on the ground – either in chalk or coffee ground outlines or on large pieces of paper. Similar to “color by number” art, each section is assigned a colored petal, which is later filled in. The results can be very simple geometric shapes or massive works of flower art – both brilliant to behold in person.
The three largest and most famous festivals are in Spello in Umbria, Genzano near Rome and Noto in Sicily. However, you can find other festivals in towns such as:
- Bolsena
- Brugnato
- Fidenza
- Pienza
- Orvieto
Most festivals fall around the 9th Sunday after Easter, so if you happen to be in Italy then, it’s worth checking out these outdoor displays of beauty. Enjoy!
Ciao for now,
The Effetto Italy Team