
The Summer Sagra
By: Effetto Italy On: June 1, 2019 In: Italian Culture
Summer in Italy means different things to different people. To some, the long nights in a favorite piazza conjure special memories. To others, it represents the hustle and bustle of tourist season. But to us, the months of June, July and August signify that it’s sagra time in Italy. And something not to be missed.
What is a Sagra?
A sagra is a local food festival, held in towns and villages in every region in Italy. Sagre (the plural) happen all year round from January to December, but an abundance of them happen during the summer. The word ‘sagra’ comes from the Latin word ‘sacrum’ which means holy or sacred. While in ancient times, people would come together to honor the harvest with offerings to the gods, in Christian times, there was more of an emphasis on patron saints. Now, however, it has become a way for the community to come together to celebrate its territory’s culture of food and tradition.
What are they like?
Many sagre are held over one or two weekends. Check online for listings of local festivals or you can find them advertised in the towns by sign or flyer. Many are held in the main piazza or even in big fields around the town, allowing for ample room for long tables for guests. Usually menus (with all courses and options celebrating the main ingredient) are posted at the entry. You order and pay at the start, and then find a seat at a table where you wait for your food. Communal seating means being able to relax and make some new local friends.
Some Examples of Summer Sagre:
Sagra del Pesce Spada
Ingredient? Swordfish
Where? Acitrezza, on Sicily’s east coast just north of Catania
When? June
Sagra del Fungo Prugnolo
Ingredient? The Prugnolo mushroom
Where? Firenzuola in Florence
When? June
Sagra degli Gnocchi
Ingredient? Gnocchi (dumplings)
Where? Cantalupo in Sabina, Lazio
When? July
Sagra del Cinghiale
Ingredient? Wild Boar
Where? Allumiere, near Rome
When? July
Sagra del Ciliegio
Ingredient? Sweet Cherry
Where? Sant’Alfio, Sicily near Mt. Etna
When? July
Sagra del Limone
Ingredient? Lemon
Where? Massa Lubrense, on the coast of Sorrento, Campania
When? July
Sagra della Mozzarella
Ingredient? Buffalo Mozzarella
Where? Cancello and Arnone, Campania
When? August
Sagra della Mugnaia
Ingredient? The rustic mugnaia pasta
Where? Pescara, Abruzzo
When? August
Sagra della Nocciola
Ingredient? Hazelnut
Where? Cortemilla, Piedmonte
When? August
Sagra del Moscardino
Ingredient? Miniature Octopus
Where? Talamone, Tuscany
When? August
Sagra della Bistecca Chianina
Ingredient? Beef from the Chianina cows
Where? Cortona, Tuscany
When? August
Sagra della Zucca
Ingredient? Pumpkin
Where? San Carlo, Emilia Romagna
When? August
Sagra della Cipolla
Ingredient? Sweet Onions
Where? Giarratana, Ragusa, Sicily
When? August
We hope you get to experience one of the great joys of Italy this summer. If you have questions or need any advice, send us a message below. And stayed tuned for our list of Fall Sagre in a few months. Happy eating!
Ciao for now,
The Effetto Italy Team
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